Dr. Russell Strickland

RUSSELL STRICKLAND, Ph.D., has been referred to as a “rocket scientist turned management consultant.” In truth, he applies an eclectic body of work from astronomy and nuclear physics to dynamic inventory management to market research to each of his student engagements. Dr. Strickland has taught, coached, and mentored thousands of students over the past 20 years, including service on dozens of students’ doctoral committees. Russell works directly with doctoral students through all phases of the dissertation process, helping them to develop sound, actionable research questions, sharpening focus, aligning the research methodology and design, assisting with data analysis, and making sense of the results. Dr. Strickland’s dissertation coaching follows a project-based model designed keep students organized and efficient throughout the dissertation process. As a result, Dr. Strickland’s clients earn their degrees in less time, saving thousands of dollars in tuition and dozens, if not hundreds, of hours in wasted effort.
In addition, Dr. Strickland consults on data-analysis projects for corporate and private clients using SPSS, SAS, JMP, LISREL, Minitab, Wizard, and other data-analysis software. Analysis projects include (but are not limited to) ANOVA, chi-square tests, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation, discriminant analysis, exploratory factor analysis, linear programming, linear regression, MANOVA, Mann-Whitney U-tests, methodology-chapter consulting, mixed methods, multiple regression, multivariate statistics, nonparametric tests, normal distributions, quantitative methods, research design, research methodology, results-chapter consulting, student’s t-test, structural equation modeling (LISREL), SurveyMonkey, survey research, two-population t-tests, and web-based surveys.
Dr. Strickland works with students and professionals in the areas of behavioral sciences, business, counseling, economics, education, entrepreneurship, finance, innovation, international business, leadership, management, marketing, nursing, operations management, project management, psychology, public health, public policy, risk management, strategy, sociology, supply-chain management, sustainability, and technology management, among others.
If you’ve spent more time and tuition money on your dissertation than you ever thought possible, …
If you have data to analyze and dread the thought of doing it yourself, …
If you don’t really even know where to start, …