The Expert Inside You with Dr. D. Anthony Miles

Dr. Russell Strickland [01:20:34]

And it’s about stories, right? Something folks can relate to. Right, exactly. Yeah, it’s important. Do you remember the book that you that you used with for the to help you learn that?


Dr. D. Anthony Miles [01:20:45]

Oh, goodness, you would ask me that I used to email the author, I tell you what I’ll do, I’ll send you the tube links to the books that I have and you can share them with the audience. Remember the title, but you want to. Those are the two books that I found to be not to do media interviews. And when we did our workshop in Atlanta, the title was from a Ph.D. to Expert. We actually used those two books in our workshop and I definitely sent them to you. And I think if you want to serious about your career, because what is it? You’re not an expert on TV, so somebody ask you about it. Here’s the rule book, Dr. Strickland. People are always looking for guests to interview on their shows. Yeah. And if you give them a good book or give them a book that’s interesting to an audience, they will call you for an interview. And then you have to when you do the interview, you train yourself. Now, the first one is going to be rough because you’re nervous. You don’t know what to say. But as you learn how to do media interviews, it becomes second nature to you. Now, what’s hard is TV. TV is the hardest to watch how you look and watch how you project yourself to the camera. Right. And what you say and I remember the first TV interview I did. I look back and I shake my head. But, you know, that’s all training and training. I was asked to be in a documentary and it was the same thing.


Dr. Russell Strickland [01:22:13]

We were talking a little bit earlier, right? You don’t start in the major leagues, you start in the minor leagues with TV, you’re going to start with something that’s probably pretty local, probably something pretty small, because you’re going to need that cred to get up there on a national cable channel or national network that they’re not going to bring in someone, that they don’t see what they’ve done. They’re going to want to look at your your portfolio of appearances. They’re going to look at all of your videos. And so it’s OK that that’s something that I learned a while ago, was when you start doing anything in this world to put something out there, if you’re going to start doing a newsletter or a podcast or YouTube channel or anything else, be grateful for the fact that no one is watching you. No one’s listening to it first because he offers you a chance to find your voice. And as you find your voice, you’re going to attract the right people. And it is a positive feedback loop. Everything gets better and better as you go through it, but you have to start slowly. You can’t zero. You have to have something that you’re doing to be able improve on.


Dr. D. Anthony Miles [01:23:17]

Exactly, I totally agree, you want you want to refine yourself, you want to track your craft, and then when people start asking you do media interviews, you job, you can do it in your sleep. You know how you want to talk. You know what to say. In a lot of times when you have a host of a show, you just bounce off the whole lot of times a few talking points. Now, what does this relate back to your dissertation? You think they’re going to ask you questions right now? They may ask you something totally off the cuff. You have to be able to pivot when they ask these things to be like Dr. Miles, I saw that you done statistics on twenty twenty presidential election. Who do you think’s going to win? Well, based on our research, we found this right. So if I would you would ask me predictive analytics, I would say I would think the other candidate would win. So basically, as they’re doing media interviews as an are and it’s something anybody can learn. It’s not rocket science, but it does take it does take practice, definitely takes practice.


Dr. Russell Strickland [01:24:14]

And you have to find that you have to find that balance between making sure that you’re being factual and credible and being authentic, being you, because you being you is what’s going to drive your business. It’s going to bring the right people to you if you’re out there. If I spent this time on my podcast pretending to be somebody else, then there’s a chance that I might grow my business faster. But it’s not going to be one that I’m interested in. I’m not going to gel with my my clients as well. But if I’m just being me and that’s good enough for whoever is coming and listening to this thing and coming to me after they listen to this thing, then I got the right people that that I know I’m going to be able to help in that we’re going to have fun working together. So that’s important. You want to and when you’re living your life, you want you only get to do it once and you want to try to have fun. So you’ve got to be yourself.


Dr. D. Anthony Miles [01:25:08]

Yeah. What’s wonderful is when you’re doing media interviews. I love your point there and I’ll piggyback on that. We’re doing media interviews. They love call you doctor. I don’t know what that’s about. I think I’ll believe it’s because they bring a doctor in whatever field of study that you have, your expertise in. It’s something about they use that to drive their views and their ratings and get people to listen.


Dr. Russell Strickland [01:25:30]

It’s the halo effect. Right. You have a doctoral degree. And I was important enough to get a doctor on my show. So I am more credible because I have a doctor on my show. Is the halo effect.


Dr. D. Anthony Miles [01:25:43]

Exactly. Exactly. And they they call you doctor. They may ask you what you think about the weather and they still call you doctor because you have a certain level of credibility to them. And that’s that’s what it’s all about. So you don’t see any end game. Why are you working on your dissertation? You don’t see all these different things you doing that dissertation. And that’s the beauty in all of this. Absolutely.


Dr. Russell Strickland [01:26:06]

But there is that credibility no matter what you’re doing. I had when I was a graduate student, my college roommate was getting married and they flew me down and I was standing up at his wedding. I had to go to the rehearsal dinner and my hotel room wasn’t really his his mom was taking care of the hotel room for me. She actually was the head of the Education Department at the local university. And they were asking her we were trying to figure out what was going on, why the room wasn’t ready yet. She was trying to explain to them, listen, he just flew in from Chicago. We need to get him dressed. He’s got to go out for rehearsal dinner. We need it. Even if it’s not his room for tonight, we need a room to put him in so that he can, you know, put his things someplace secure and and get ready. And the person at the desk was getting a little exasperated. She said, well, Mrs. Jones, that wasn’t her name, but Mrs. Jones. And before the words came out of her mouth about why they couldn’t do something, his mom said, that’s Dr. Jones. And the woman immediately said, oh, I’m sorry, let me go get my manager. And I’m looking at her like, what the heck does that have to do in my hotel room? Right. And she’s not she’s this unassuming lady. She’s a really sweetheart. But she just occasionally you have to throw your weight around and that’s one of the ways you can do it. So if you earned it right back, I had never used it in that way. But it’s nice knowing that’s in your back pocket if you need to go. Yeah, but but professionally, you should be using it. You earned it. You should have your clientgs address you as Dr. So and So when you get to have a first name relationship, it’s OK. It’s a first name relationship. But but certainly if you gonna be an expert witness, if you’re going be a hearing on media or something like that, you don’t want to have this. Ostentatious, unless you just want to have this air of credibility and authority, it’s something you’ve earned.


Dr. D. Anthony Miles [01:27:56]

So it’s important and also to the attorneys CATV, if they bring it up and use that against you, you’re like, oh, so your doctor such as such a Doctor Strickland. Well, what makes you you know so much? What well, where have you been interviewed? And that’s where you literally have to put out your verbal resume in front of. Well, I’ve been interviewed on Forbes. I’ve been interviewing this. I think I know something about this subject, you know, discussed in this case, and that shows usually shuts the attorneys down. So all this comes together, all the dots connect.


Dr. Russell Strickland [01:28:28]

Yeah, that’s true. One hundred percent. I think that’s a good place for us to to kind of wrap things up. I want to, though, make sure that folks who have been just. On the edge of their seats, listening to Dr. Miles all this time, they know how to reach out to you, what’s the best way for someone to to get in touch with you? They’d like to follow up and continue this conversation later on.


Dr. D. Anthony Miles [01:28:49]

Sure, I’m on Twitter, I’m @DAnthonyPhD on Twitter, got my website, and am I allowedf to give my email. Is that OK?


Dr. Russell Strickland [01:29:04]

If you want to, it’ll be out there.


Dr. D. Anthony Miles [01:29:05]

Sure, absolutely. My email is Shoot mee an email or shoot me a message on Twitter and I’ll definitely get back to you.


Dr. Russell Strickland [01:29:18]

LinkedIn a good place to reach you too?


Dr. D. Anthony Miles [01:29:21]

Oh, yeah, good, I forgot I forgot how LinkedIn works, but if you do a search on my name, on Google, my LinkedIn page, you’ll get it.


Dr. Russell Strickland [01:29:28]

Anybody wants to check any of that stuff out, we’ll have it all in the show. Notes that we’ll have the links there. We’ll get the books. We do a little resource section in the show notes each time. So we’ll definitely do that. Make sure people can reach back out to you.


Dr. D. Anthony Miles [01:29:41]

Oh, absolutely, I sure appreciate it. I will email you I got your email, Dr. Strickland. I’ll email you those two books to train you on how to do media interviews. I think you get a kick out of them.


Dr. Russell Strickland [01:29:50]

Yeah, I’ll check them out. We’ll drop those in the resource section, too. I look forward to it. Thanks so much for being here with us today, Dr. Miles. I really appreciate it.


Dr. D. Anthony Miles [01:30:00]

Dr. Strickland, it was a blast. I really enjoyed it, I really do. I haven’t talked about the stuff in years.


Dr. Russell Strickland [01:30:07]

Well, listen, I want to just remind you folks that today’s episode brought to you by Dissertation Done. So if you are going through your experience and there’s war stories about your dissertation right now, then reach out to us at That’s And that’s if you’re getting ready to start your dissertation, you want somebody proactively lead you through it. If you’re struggling right now and if you’re even about to quit, we brought people back from all of those points and gotten them to graduation. And if you’re now past that whole dissertation thing and you want to jump into this expert space that Dr. Miles and I have been talking about because it is a blast, then the best way to do that is by becoming a published author. And we can walk you through that process, go to, and we’ll have a conversation about getting started on that process. So look forward to help you out in any way we can. Dr. Miles, once again, thank you so much for being with us. I had such a fun time.


Dr. D. Anthony Miles [01:31:05]

Thank you. I had a blast, doctor. I really enjoyed this. Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it.


Dr. Russell Strickland [01:31:11]

That’s awesome. And everybody else out there listening. You have a wonderful day and go out and live your unconventional life.


Outro [01:31:23]

This has been An Unconventional Life. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed today’s episode, subscribe now to keep getting inspirational stories of unconventional lives as soon as they’re released. Until then, go out and live your best unconventional life.

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Dr. Russell W. Strickland

RUSSELL STRICKLAND, Ph.D., has been referred to as a “rocket scientist turned management consultant.” In truth, he applies an eclectic body of work from astronomy and nuclear physics to dynamic inventory management to market research to each of his student engagements.