POTUS 35 and Dissertations
May 29th marks the birthday of the 35th President of the United States. Here’re some words of wisdom from John F. Kennedy that you can apply to your dissertation…
“We choose to go to the Moon! We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too.”
— John F. Kennedy
Out of this big hairy audacious goal, NASA’s Apollo Program was born. And, we did go to the moon!
You, too, need to have a big goal.
Big goals don’t just motivate. They inspire!
Maybe your big goal is finishing your dissertation. Or, maybe your dissertation is a way station en route to an even bigger goal.
What are you trying to accomplish?
“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” — John F. Kennedy
Make sure you have a plan.
Don’t just work aimlessly.
Set out a reasonable plan. Just because your goal is ambitious doesn’t mean the steps you take to achieve it have to be unrealistic.
You can get there with babysteps as long as you keep your feet moving and pointed in the right direction!
“Things do not happen. Things are made to happen.”
— John F. Kennedy
This dissertation isn’t going to write itself! Seriously.
You can’t just want to finish your dissertation. You have to work on it.
Be honest with yourself. Are you really investing at least 10-15 hours a week on your dissertation? Are you using that time productively?
If you aren’t working, you’re not going to get the results you want.
Having trouble willing your dissertation into existence? Then, click here to schedule a quick, 15-minute chat with me to see if you’re a good fit for our Fast Track Your Dissertation Coaching Program. If you are, then I’ll invite you to join the fastest group of dissertation students out there and help you to reach graduation a good year or two faster than you would on your own.