Getting Meta and Dissertations
As of yesterday I’ve published a post to this blog on 200 consecutive days. Today, I’d like to get meta and discuss exactly how I hope this blog is helping you get your dissertation done…
On July 1st of last year I posted the first of these daily posts. It was National Creative Ice Cream Flavor Day, and I posted a quick poll for folks to vote on their favorite dissertation-related ice cream flavors. Options included Rocky Road to Graduation, Mint Topic-Chip, Pi-stats-chio, “I Hate My Chair”-y Garcia, Topic-Chip Cookie Dough, and Vanilla.
The point of that was simply to get you to think about your dissertation. No grand strategies or top-secret techniques. Just a light-hearted look at your dissertation.
Subsequent entries featured Plastic Bags, UFOs, and Sliced Bread — A daily dose of dissertation inspiration. A quick tap on the shoulder reminding you to work on your dissertation.
Which brings me to the second reason for these daily posts, demonstrating persistence. Yesterday’s entry featured a quote from Calvin Coolidge on the importance of persistence to success in any endeavor.
By writing these publishing posts each day, I have produced more material in just over six months than you will need to complete your entire dissertation! The power of persistence is why I insist that the students in my Fast Track Your Dissertation Coaching Program work on their dissertations every day, at least 5-6 days each week.
Habits are powerful things. If you dedicate yourself to the dissertation process and work on your study at least 10-15 hours / week spread fairly evenly over 5-6 days each week, your chances for success increase dramatically.
But, persistence is not enough. Seneca once said, “If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.” So I’ve also endeavored for this blog to provide direction, both strategic and tactical.
I’ve discussed the importance of goals, motivation, and inspiration in the dissertation process. I’ve outlined my strategic focus on simply getting your dissertation done. And, I’ve written, at length, about the importance of planning.
So, there you have it. This blog is meant to be a quirky take on how events associated with each day can be twisted into some sort of relevance to your dissertation, if you turn your head to the side and maybe squint a bit.
There’s gold in them thar posts! But, then again, they’re not all oil paintings. Read them for what they are, a 5-10 minute daily meditations on the dissertation journey. And, my commitment to you that persistent effort, applied properly to your dissertation, will get you to graduation.
If my words resonate with you, if you want to graduate as quickly as possible, and if you’re willing to invest in a proven process that will get you to graduation a good year or two faster than you would on your own, I invite you to click here to schedule a quick, 15-minute chat with me to see if you’re a good fit for our Fast Track Your Dissertation Coaching Program. If you are, then I’ll invite you to join the fastest group of dissertation students out there and help you to reach graduation a good year or two faster than you would on your own.