Buttons and Dissertations
November 16th is National Button Day. Here are my Top 5 Button-Related Tips for Getting Your Dissertation Done…
1. Well, Bust My Buttons!
That’s what you’ll be saying when you successfully defend your dissertation…if it’s 1939 and you’re the gatekeeper for the Wizard of Oz!
Still, keeping one eye squarely on your goal of graduating serves as great motivation to keep those feet moving throughout the dissertation journey.
2. Don’t Pick a Hot-Button Topic
Dissertation students often want to pick a topic that they’re passionate about, or one that’s has a lot of buzz surrounding it. Your topic doesn’t have to be hot, hip, or sexy. Instead, it should be practical — buttoned-down, if you will.
Remember, the most important thing about your dissertation is that you get it done. And, how readily you’ll be able to get it done is determined at the very beginning when you select your topic.
3. Button It Up
Again, the most important thing about your dissertation is that you get it done. Start planning for the end right from the beginning.
And, if you’re already well under way? Well, stop thinking about more things you can do to add to your dissertation, and start thinking about buttoning it up.
4. Don’t Let Your Committee Push Your Buttons
Your committee’s job is to provide you an accounting of all of the ways your dissertation (or proposal) is coming up short. Draft after draft, sometimes it seems like they’re just trying to push your buttons! They’re not, so don’t let them.
Each time you receive feedback, take as a cheatsheet for how to get your dissertation approved. That’s really what it is. You’re dissertation will be approved when your committee is happy with your work. And, they’re telling you exactly what they want you to do to make them happy with your work.
Give it to them, so that you can move on!
5. Don’t Hit the Panic Button!
When the frustration level builds and you feel that you can’t take it anymore, don’t hit the panic button. Too many students walk away from their dissertations, giving up on their dreams, and relegating all of the hard work that they’ve put into their doctoral studies to a long exercise in useless futility.
Don’t let this happen to you. You can seek out support to strengthen your resolve and guide you through the process.
If you’d like to talk with me about your whatever’s frustrating you, please click here to schedule a 15 minute call. We’ll talk about whatever’s slowing you down, standing in your way, or just plain got you stuck in the dissertation process.
If there seems to be a good fit, we’ll schedule another call to discuss how I may be able to help you put your dissertation on the fast track to graduation and keep it there!