The Ancient One and Dissertations
November 5th is Tilda Swinton’s birthday. Looking for profound words of wisdom to help you through your dissertation? What better source than Marvel’s mystic guru, the Ancient One?
I spent so many years peering through time… looking at this exact moment. But I can’t see past it.
– The Ancient One
When it comes to your dissertation, it’s important that you remain focused. But, it’s also important to keep your eyes on the prize.
And, the prize isn’t just graduating. It’s not the moment you walk across the stage wearing the silly cap & gown and accept your doctoral degree.
The real prize is what you can do after graduation!
What impact will you make on the world?
Whose lives can you help to improve?
Don’t ever lose sight of your vision. Let motivate you throughout the dissertation journey.
You’re a man looking at the world through a keyhole.
– The Ancient One
Do you ever feel like you can’t see the whole picture when you’re working on your dissertation? Sometimes you need someone to help you see things differently.
That’s why it’s so vital that you constantly work to expand your support network. You must have people to turn to who have been there before. People who know what you’re going through.
Friends and family can provide a certain amount of emotional support. Unfortunately, they generally don’t have the context of having been through the dissertation process themselves. As such, their well-being encouragement will eventually be received as stress-inducing taunts.
Make sure your support network is strong and varied. They will help you to see the big picture in ways you simply can’t when you’re peering at the world through a keyhole.
Why are you doing this to me?
– Dr. Stephen Strange
To show you just how much you don’t know.
– The Ancient One
It can seem like your committee members are hazing you at times. No matter what you do, your drafts always seem to come back with a list of “feedback” as long as your arm!
When will it ever end?
Well, it’ll end when you’re a doctor! And, the thing is, you’re not a doctor yet.
The dissertation is a transformative process. You begin the process as not-a-doctor. You end the process as a doctor.
I encourage all of my students to save ever draft they write in a separate file. If you include the date of each draft in the file name using the format YYYYMMDD, your drafts will automatically be sorted in chronological order ever of sort by filename.
Every couple or few months, you should review your previous work. I guarantee that you’ll be surprised by how much your work has improved over that period of time.
Just keep improving, and you’ll get there!