Matthew McConaughey and Dissertations
November 4th is Matthew McConaughey’s birthday. Believe it or not, he has some pretty profound words of wisdom for dissertation students…
The best advice comes from people who don’t give advice.
– Matthew McConaughey
Hmmm… Oooh.K. [Stares at shoes.]
Ummm… Yeah. [Kicks dirt.]
I’m obsessed with trying to understand what somebody is talking about and trying to get them to understand me.
– Matthew McConaughey
I’m good with the first part. It’s important for you to understand what your committee wants. After all, you won’t graduate until you give’m what they want.
That being said, it’s less important to get them to understand you. This is your dissertation in word only. In deed, it’s really your committee’s dissertation.
It’s kind of building a house. You’re the builder; your committee is the buyer. Although you certainly may take pride in your work, you only sell the house when the buyer likes it. Then it’s their house.
Same thing with your dissertation. Your committee buys” your work when their happy with it. Now, you might say, “Wait a minute! They’re not paying me. I’m paying them an arm and a leg in tuition!” And, you’re right about that. But, in this example they’re paying you not with money, but with your degree!
I find things that I like and do and boy, I do like to stick to them.
– Matthew McConaughey
Whether you like your dissertation or not, you’ve got to stick to it. Persistence is the key. That, along with a good plan. Keep your feet moving in the right direction, and you will get there.
If I’m doing something I do like to take it to the limit. I’ve got a high ceiling. A wide threshold for seeing what those boundaries are for myself.
– Matthew McConaughey
Very cool, man. Very cool.
But, not here!
As a doctoral student, you’re disproportionately likely to be a perfectionist and Type-A personality. That’s what got you here. But, if you’re not careful, it’s exactly what will keep you from graduating, too!
The dissertation is a pass/fail school project. There are no gold stars, blue ribbons, or bonus points for doing your absolute best.
As a kid, your parents probably told you that your best was good enough. As far as your dissertation is concerned, your best is more than good enough. You need to give yourself permission to stop when you get to good enough.
Far too many doctoral students never graduate because they expect more of themselves than their schools require. Give yourself a break. Don’t shoot for the stars. Just get it done!
Alright. Alright. Alright.
– Matthew McConaughey
That’s a better standard for your dissertation. Good enough is good enough. So, shoot for alright, alright alright.