Peanuts and Dissertations
On October 2, 1950, Charles M. Schultz published his first Charlie Brown comic under the name, “Li’l Folks,” which later became known as “Peanuts.” Dissertation students can learn a lot from the Peanuts gang…
Don’t Fall in Love with Your Dissertation
Your dissertation is a means to an end. It shouldn’t be a passion project. It’s not your baby. It’s the only thing standing between you and graduation.
Don’t take anything about your dissertation too personally. Maintain professional detachment and get it done!
They’re Not Out to Get You
Although it can certainly seem like it at times, your dissertation committee is not out to get you. At the beginning of the dissertation project, they’re really just trying to figure if you’re going to be terminal ABD or D-o-c.
Only about 50% of doctoral students complete their dissertations and graduate. Sure, youknow that you’re going to graduate, but your committee’s not so sure, yet. Keep working with them. They’ll come around!
Persistence Pays Off
Does it seem like every time you submit a draft to your committee they yank the football away from you?
Trust me; it only seems that way. Each draft brings you a little closer to graduation. Each frustrating round of feedback is really another step in the right direction.
Set Feasible Goals
Does it seem like every time you submit a draft to your committee they yank the football away from you?
Trust me; it only seems that way. Each draft brings you a little closer to graduation. Each frustrating round of feedback is really another step in the right direction.
And, when you do graduate,…
Party like it’s 1965!