Troubled Times, Security, and Dissertations
Do you feel safer, happier, and more secure today than you did at this time last year? Let’s talk a bit about the times in which we live and how your dissertation fits in…
Reading the daily news has always been an adventure in patience and courage. Lay-offs, crime, corruption. They’re all part of our society and inevitably make their way into the news on a regular basis.
But, when you read the news today, somehow it seems — different. Rogue nations. Leaders denying science, when science made us the greatest nation on Earth. Division not between political parties, but within a political party. The one in charge! A President who insults a war hero’s family and another war hero with terminal cancer.
Reagan once asked whether you’re better off now than you were four years ago. Today, I ask:
Do you feel safer, happier, and more secure today than you did even one year ago?
For most of you, I bet the answer is no. And here’s where your dissertation comes into play. There is no magic bullet for these trying times. I’m living life without a play book, just like you.
But, I feel a lot better having my Ph.D. than not. It’s helped me take more control over my life and the direction I want it to take. It’s instant credibility if I encounter a situation where I might need to prove myself. Now sometimes just saying my name is proof enough.