Homework and Dissertations
August 12th is National Middle Child Day. Let me tell you a story from my middle child about homework. Dissertation students will relate…
I talk with doctoral students all of the time…like everyday. Occasionally, my kids are within earshot while I’m on the phone. One day my ten-year-old daughter was hanging out of the couch while I was talking with a student.
I was explaining our Four Pillars of Support. As I described “Direction,” I mentioned that it’s kind of like getting a homework assignment from your coach each week. My daughter shot a quizzical side eye and then went back to her iPad.
I went on to answer the student’s questions, and she enrolled in my Fast Track Your Dissertation Coaching Program.
After I wrapped up the call, my daughter lowered her iPad and tilted her head.
“Daddy?” she began, slowly.
“Was that one of your students?” she continued, seemingly confused.
“Yeah, of course, who else would I be talking to about dissertations?”
“Right. And, it was a doctor student?” she reasoned, picking up the pace a bit.
“And, doctor students have to be smart?” this time wryly, as if moving a verbal pawn to put me in check.
“As a general rule, yes.”
“Well, I don’t know that…” [Check.]
“What do you mean?” [Deploys pawn to block.]
“Well, they pay you money, right?” [Bishop takes pawn. Check.]
“Yes.” [King retreats.]
“And you give them homework to do?” [Deploys rook. Check.]
“Their coach does. Yes.” [Confidently blocking with queen.]
“Well, when my teacher forgets to give me homework, I’m smart enough not to remind them!” [Queen takes queen. Checkmate!]
It’s funny to think how a student can advance from avoiding, lamenting, and detesting homework to desperately seeking it. But, this is but one of the many ironies in the dissertation journey.
Have you lost the confidence you once had as a student?
Do you some times not know what to do to get your dissertation moving?
Do you wish that you could do your homework each week like you did when you were earning A’s in your classes?