Giving and Dissertations
July 15th is National Give Something Away Day. You can celebrate by giving back, paying it forward, or sharing something. One of the top three complaints I hear from doctoral students is that they’re all alone, let’s talk about how giving can break this cycle…
On a daily basis I hear doctoral students tell me how they are confused, lost, and alone. I don’t want you to feel confused or lost. And, you’re not alone! This blog is my effort to help.
Over the past two weeks, I’ve been giving little bits of wisdom each day. Hopefully, …
Some of them made you think.
Some of them made you smile.
Some of them made you laugh. And, if I got really lucky and struck the right chord, …
Some of then made you say, “a-ha.”
“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
So, on National Give Something Back Day, I want you to share your favorite installments with your friends and classmates.
Like our Facebook page and encourage all doctoral students you know to do the same. This is the easiest way to make sure that you continue to get new advice and insights, tips and techniques to use for your dissertation each day.
If there was a specific post that you found particularly valuable, please use the links below to share one or two … or all … of them!
You can use the links below to share directly on Facebook. Or, you can email them. Or, you can share them in your dissertation classroom. Or, on your school’s doctoral-student forum. There are so many ways to share, and sharing builds relationships that may grow to be invaluable throughout your dissertation journey.
Ice Cream and Dissertations
July 1st is National Creative Ice Cream Flavor Day. What’s your favorite dissertation-related ice cream flavor? Let me know in the comments below. And be sure to share this post with anyone you know who needs to add a little sweetness to their dissertation project!
UFOs and Dissertations
July 2nd is World UFO Day. Although this day is meant to commemorate the 1947 event when a rancher outside of Roswell, New Mexico supposedly discovered an alien crash site on his property, UFOs have a special meaning for dissertation students as well…
Plastic Bags and Dissertations
July 3rd is International Plastic Bag Free Day. There are vast islands of waste swirling in the Pacific Ocean much of this waste is comprised of plastic containers of various sorts. Some of these islands are over hundred miles across! You may ask how does this much trash get stuck in one place? …And, what does this have to do with my dissertation? A lot, actually…
Independence and Dissertations
July 4th is Independence Day in the U.S. Although I like to keep this missive light-hearted and maybe even a little humorous, today I think that it’s important to consider the magnitude of the actions of those who came before us — and, of course, to mention how those actions tie into your dissertation…
Genius and Dissertations
On July 5th, 1687, Sir Isaac Newton published Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, perhaps the most singular work of genius ever, and thereby set off a crisis of confidence among mere mortal doctoral students everywhere…
Kisses and Dissertations
July 6th is World Kiss Day. A kiss from a mother can soothe a scrapped knee. A kiss from a friend can warm a greeting. A kiss can change a frog into a prince, wake Sleeping Beauty, and help you finish your dissertation. Huh- wait. What’s that last part?
Sliced Bread and Dissertations
On this day, July 7th, in 1928, the Chillicothe Baking Company sold the first loaf of sliced bread. “Kleen Maid Sliced Bread” was marketed as “the greatest forward step in the baking industry since bread was wrapped.” Sliced bread has since become the metric against greatness is measured, in everything from food to inventions to dissertations…
APA and Dissertations
On July 8th, 1892, the American Psychological Association was first organized in Worchester, Massachusetts. Since then the APA has worked tirelessly to promote the development and application of psychology, to establish high standards of research ethics, and to become the bane of existence for doctoral students working on their dissertations everywhere…
“Dr. Livingstone, I Presume” and Dissertations
On July 9th, 1867, E.D. Young set out to find Dr. David Livingstone who had disappeared about two years earlier on an expedition of his own to find the source of the Nile River. The search successfully concluded nearly four years later with the famous salutation, “Dr. Livingstone, I presume?” Those familiar with history would quickly point out that this phrase is attributed to Henry Morton Stanley, not E.D. Young. And, that is an important lesson for dissertation students…
Scopes and Dissertations
On July 10th, 1925, the so-called Scopes Monkey Trial began in Dayton, Tennessee. The trial was actually concerned with a misdemeanor offense resulting in a $100 fine. However, the fallout from this trial changed the world by firmly establishing the concepts of separation of church and state, freedom of speech, and academic freedom. This notion of changing the world with your dissertation is exactly what you should NOT do…
Loneliness and Dissertations
July 11th is National Cheer Up the Lonely Day. And, after talking to hundred of dissertation students, I’ve learned that they are some of the loneliest people out there…
Simplicity and Dissertations
July 12th is National Simplicity Day. Today is a day to think about the core you and your core life. What things are complicating your life and getting in the way of you being your authentic self? And, while we’re at it, what can you do to make your dissertation simpler?
Solo and Dissertations
July 13th is Han Solo’s birthday. (OK, technically it’s Harrison Ford’s birthday, but stay with me on this one.) Let’s take a few minutes to reflect on the life of Han Solo and the lessons it has for your dissertation…
Nudity and Dissertations
‘It’s gettin’ hot in here, so take off all your clothes!” July 14th is National Nude Day. You can celebrate by going au natural. Comfortable? Great! Now, let’s talk about stripping your dissertation down to the “bare” essentials…