How long will it take you to complete your dissertation?

Will you ever get your dissertation done?

The academic experts I've consulted tell me the typical doctoral student will take at least 2 - 3 years to complete their dissertation.

And that’s for the 50% who finish.

Half of all doctoral candidates never even get to “Doctor.”

And many suffer for 3, 5, and sometimes even 7 or more years before they finish.

  • Wasting thousands of dollars in tuition
  • Delaying promotions and career advancement
  • Missing out on precious friends and family time

But that’s if you do things the “traditional” way.

How to Get Your Dissertation Done in (at most) 12-18 Months

I believe every doctoral candidate should finish…and finish within 12-18 months.

Not only do I believe it, but I prove it.

You also saved me $3,000-$6,000 & six months at a minimum. I completed my degree which felt surreal and I was delighted, relieved, and very happy. I recommended Dissertation Done to a friend and she is currently using your services.

Natalie Maiden, Ed.D. - Silver Spring, MD
Counseling Psychology, Argosy University, DC Campus

My coach gave me the clarity and focused attention I needed and wasn’t getting from my University, and I was able to finish in a year with a great sense of relief.

Cyril Thomas, Ph.D. - Katy TX
Business Administration, Northcentral University

You helped me get de-stressed about my work, which helped me focus and become more productive. In less than a year I graduated, got a job and moved on, away from a depressing Ph.D. experience.I would strongly recommend Dissertation Done for anyone who is struggling with motivation and direction. Because nothing beats having motivation and direction. PhD studies are so open ended a person will go mad. Help is needed. Sure, you may be able to finish your PhD without this help, but if you take it, you will be more motivated and focused. You will also be happier with the quality of work that you did under supervision of the program and you will also find that the program helped you achieve your desired career path after graduation. If you can't afford it, AFFORD IT!

Husain Shekhani, Ph.D. Mission Viejo, CA
Electrical Engineering The Pennsylvania State University

If you’re struggling like I was, don’t talk yourself out of a solution you don't believe you can afford. You have invested too much time and money to not cross the finish line. The solution is there and it is affordable -- no matter how much you try to reason that it is not. Make the decision to finish your dissertation and get your life back. It is not a decision of –'If I can afford Dissertation Done.' The decision is, 'Can I afford not to use them and never finish my doctorate?

Dave Braswell, Ed.D. - Phoenix, AZ
Advanced Educational Leadership, Argosy University

"[Dr. Strickland] made all the difference in the world. I wished that I had found him earlier in the process because my life would have been easier. Don't hesitate to work with Dissertation Done. And make the decision early to get assistance from this company. Mine was a crises situation and I was down to the wire. Without their help I would never have completed my dissertation on time. It was worth every penny.”

Victoria Grossman, Ph.D. - Boulder, CO
Nursing, University of Colorado

When I started working with Dissertation Done, The best thing was I spent quality time on the phone with Dr. Russell Strickland, 1-2 hours at a time, actually discussing the issues. I could never get a hold of my dissertation mentor at my University. I was able to finish my second dissertation in 18 months from start to finish working with Dr. Strickland and I was hired by the State of California as a consultant. This would have never happened without his help."If you are struggling and considering quitting, try this first--you won't regret it. I graduated because I made this decision and graduated with a completed dissertation. The dead weight was finally lifted, it was very freeing, and was a huge sense of accomplishment.

Shauna Rossington, DBA - Greenville, CA
Business Administration, Capella University

My name is Dr. Russell Strickland.

I am a dissertation coach & data-analysis expert. Every day, I talk with students hard at work on their dissertations but not really getting anywhere. Some have difficulty developing their topics. Others have trouble refining their topics into detailed research designs. And, still others simply don't understand what their committees want.

When I served as dissertation chair or committee member for dozens of doctoral candidates, I learned what separated those who made steady, almost effortless progress and graduated from those who became helplessly mired in the process, suffering stress & frustation, and ultimately resigning themselves to terminal ABD status. I took those lessons and began applying them in my coaching work. And, almost like magic, my students began making progress much faster than their peers! I continued to refine my methods until I arrived at a formula that helped students finish a full year faster than they otherwise would. I call it the Dissertation Done Fast Track Formula.

If you follow my Dissertation Done Fast Track Formula, you’ll complete your dissertation in 12-18 months. Period. 

But not everyone can use my formula. You have satisfy a few criteria for the formula to work as intended.

To set up a free consultation, enter your name & email address in the green form above. You'll be taken to a brief intake form. Answer those few questions (takes less than 2 minutes) and, if I believe the Dissertation Done Fast Track Formula can help you, I’ll be in touch. 

As an experienced dissertation coach, I can help you approach the entire dissertation process with confidence, effectiveness, and certainty; reduce your stress; and save you months in time and tuition.

You’ll land on the winning side of the doctoral coin flip. See if the Dissertation Done Fast Track Formula will work for you!